अगर पुरस्कार की बात करें, तो इन वर्षों में, एचपी लुब्रिकेंट्स ने अन्य श्रेणियों के साथ-साथ अभिनव पैकेजिंग, पर्यावरण और सुरक्षा अनुपालन, ग्राहक प्रशंसा और ब्रांडिंग की पहल से संबंधित विभिन्न पहलों के लिए कई पुरस्कार जीते हैं।
HP Milcy Fleet wins India's Most Trusted Branded Award 2019 in India's Most Trusted Engine Oil Category.
भारत का सबसे भरोसेमंद ब्रांड अवार्ड 2019
NABL has accredited HPCL Vashi Lab Facility as a Proficiency Testing (PT) Provider for simultaneous PT scheme in in the field of petroleum testing (Chemical).
पीटी प्रदाता प्रत्यायन
The highest category Greenco award was bagged for promoting and championing conservation of natural resources in Indian Industry without compromising on high and accelerated growth.
ग्रीनको प्लेटिनम अवार्ड
HPCL has bagged the award from Gabriel India LTD in recognition of the strategic partnership support provided.
सर्वश्रेष्ठ सहायक भूमिका (बेस्ट इन सपोर्ट रोल)
Both Mazagaon and Silvassa plants won the gold award from International Research Institute for Manufacturing, India.
विनिर्माण प्रतियोगितात्मकता 2017-18
Both Mazagaon and Silvassa plants won the gold award in the Petroleum Storage & Transportation Sector.
17वाँ वार्षिक ग्रीनटेक सेफ्टी अवार्ड 2018
CRM Project of Quality Control Department (Marketing) has won the prestigious National Quality Award in the Platinum Category.
at Regional Quality Conclave 2019, Pune
राष्ट्रीय गुणवत्ता पुरस्कार (नेशनल क्वालिटी अवार्ड)
HPCL has bagged the award from M/s B.H.E.L. in recognition of excellent product quality and services rendered by HP Lubricants.
at BHEL, Hyderabad.
बेस्ट वेंडर अवार्ड 17-18
HP Lubricants wins a D&AD award under the 'Use of Technology' Category for 'Roads That Honk'
डी एंड एडी अवार्ड्स, 2018
HP Lubricants wins a D&AD award under the Responsive Environment: User Activation Category for 'Roads That Honk'
डी एंड एडी अवार्ड्स, 2018
HP Lubricants wins two Bronze awards under Experiential and Interactive Installations category for Roads that Honk
at London International Awards 2017, UK
लंदन इंटरनेशनल अवार्ड्स 2017, यूके
HP Lubricants Wins Silver for Innovation & Bronze for Design for 'Roads That Honk' campaign
at Cannes Lions 2017, France
कान्स लायंस - 2017, फ्रांस
HP Lubricant's 'Roads That Honk' bags the 'Applied Innovation' Award
In SPIKES ASIA - 2017, Singapore
स्पाइक्स एशिया – 2017, सिंगापुर
HPCL bags 'INDIASTAR 2017' Award for Excellence in Packaging in India
from Indian Institute of Packaging(IIP)
इंडियास्टार - 2017
HP Lubricants bags ‘Excellence in Overall Performance Award’
from Global Company Bosch
बॉश - 2017
Awarded for 'Innovation in Customer Service Processes'
गेब्रियल- 2017
Awarded for 'Innovation in Customer Service Processes'
गेब्रियल- 2016
15th Annual Greentech Safety Award 2016
from Greentech Foundation
ग्रीनटेक - 2016
Golden Peacock Innovative Product Service Award
from Institute Of Directors (IOD)
गोल्डन पीकॉक - 2016
National Awards for Manufacturing Competitiveness 2015-16
from International Research Institute for Manufacturing
आईआरआईएम - 2016
HP Lubricants bags ‘Excellence in Overall Performance Award’
from Global Company Bosch
बॉश- 2015
Golden Peacock Innovative Product Service Award
from Institute Of Directors (IOD)
गोल्डन पीकॉक - 2015
15th Annual Greentech Safety Award 2016
from Greentech Foundation
ग्रीनटेक - 2015
Awarded for 'Innovation in Customer Service Processes'
from John Deere
जॉन डीर- 2015
from International Research Institute for Manufacturing